
Data Entrapment After Piero  

Data Entrapment After Piero
Data Entrapment After Piero

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2019 | 25cm x 25cm | Woven Tapestry. Eccentric weave on double cotton warp. Weft: wool, silk, linen and gold sari thread.

I worked in computing for many years as the human computer interface was developed. I find it sinister and unsettling to be watched constantly by surveillance cameras. My position can be pin-pointed by my phone and credit card usage. Now, even my face, my personal interface to the world, can be mapped and stored as data without necessarily having my permission or knowledge. In the 15th century the artist Piero della Francesca created beautiful drawings of faces, mapping the features with numbers and lines. A recent exhibition “The Seduction of Perspective” showed his mathematical drawings of perspective and the human face. Inspired by Piero’s drawings and my concerns about facial mapping software, I came up with the idea for Data Entrapment (after Piero), using myself as model.

Tapestry Touring International: Interface – 2021