
Born of Fire  

Born of Fire
Born of Fire
Born of Fire (detail)
Born of Fire (detail)

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2016 | 24cm x 19cm | Woven Tapestry. Cotton and linen weft on a red cotton double warp.

Fire is my element as it has the power to comfort and provide warmth, to destroy all in its path or to forge strong elements. Coming from Scunthorpe in the industrial North of England, I was brought up with the steel industry, where raw iron ore is transformed into red hot molten metal, then rolled and squeezed into toughened steel. Born of fire was inspired by the log fire in the Oak Hall at West Dean College. Staring at flames quiets the mind in meditation and allows dreams of great projects – the birth of new ideas as the heat of the fire reduces wood to ash. The decorative curves of the grate survive the flames and unfold like new fern fronds. I watched flames forge steely dreams rising from fiery ash.

Tapestry Touring International: ELEMENTS: earth, air, fire, water – 2016